Looking for a reliable IT Consultant to guide your company on a clear road map on adoption of IT solutions? look no further, we are here for you!
Pentium Silicon at a Glance
What we do..
We can't run away from the fact that technology is the biggest business enabler in the modern world. That's why we are here to transform your business through....
Web & Mobile Development
Just designing an excellent Website is not a key to success, We develop websites with the business objective in mind. We build you a web presence that opens up your business to new global market opportunities
ERP Systems Implementation
Business in the modern world are driven by systems. We don't just try to fit your business into an existing system, rather we automate your business to have the system work for you, reducing on costs and maximizing profits
IT Consulting
Technology has become part of our daily lives, however most companies are in a dilemma on what kind of innovation to adopt. Our lead IT consultants will give you a solution with future in mind. A cost effective solution for quick ROI